Sovereignty is short novel set in the world of Haldane. The story follows the life of a young former battle mage of Vernaal, Yarik Welbar, and his dwarven friend, Durgan Bravebeard.
This is my first attempt at writing anything of significant length, and while not perfect, I am nonetheless pleased with the results. I realize it is not on par with the work of a professional writer, but I am not a professional novelist, nor do I aspire to be one. I simply write because I enjoy it, and hopefully my skills will improve with time.
You will undoubtedly find spelling errors, poor grammar, and misused words in this book. I wish I had an editor, but I don’t. I apologize in advance for my mistakes, and I hope they don’t keep you from enjoying what I’ve created.
If you’d like to send me corrections for any errors you discover, I’ll do my best to see that they find their way into future revisions.